
Breathe Concert Lagos, 2019

As in most concerts, three things were of critical importance.

Firstly, it was vital that the stage was set up early and instruments were provided according to the various band riders. This way, artists and their bands could rehearse on-site prior to the event.

Secondly, it was extremely important that we had a waiting area for artists and their band members where they could wait before they had to come up on stage for their performances. To achieve this in the open space we had to work with, we built two big rooms with aluminium sheeting, to keep artists secluded and allow them to relax before coming on stage.

Finally, we required a backstage, but as we did not have sufficient space behind the stage, we decided to construct a wall running in line with the stage and then all the way down the side of the hall in an ‘L’ shape. Here artists were able to prep right before their cue to get up on stage.

We also took time to build photo walls and photo booths in different spaces so that guests could document the fun they were having at this divinely blessed event.